
This is my beautiful daughter Anis. I have not seen nor spoken to her in 18 years. Today I thought about sending her a message on her website, but I am afraid to make her angry or upset her. She has blocked me on her Facebook, Instagram. Her daughter, my granddaughter, just turned 6. I have never seen her in person, just photos that I am not supposed to have. It does break my heart.

Exit to What

Rebecca Mott

Dedicated to Jennifer Kempton, and all other exited folks who left us too early.

I am writing this in a shock, deep grief and complex trauma.

Last week, I heard about the terrible early death of Jennifer Kempton, who as an exited woman founded Survivor’s Ink.

She was a great warrior, who give back dignity and hope to so many exited folks.

I hardly knew except through the network of exited women and their allies, but her death has pull out all my buried grief.

I want to write to one of the most important reason so many exited folks die young or before they can reach a place of peace.

This is the almost total lack of proper exiting programmes anywhere.

When the prostituted exit for the most part, they are left to fend for themselves.

They may receive coffee and condoms.

If very lucky they may get short-term…

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